Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Swami and friends


Swami and his Muslim friends

Swami and (his Muslim) friends*

Those were the days when Swami Vivekananda was wandering in the Himalayas, along with Swami Akandananda. When they were almost nearing Almora, swamiji felt totally exhausted and sat down on the road side. There was a Muslim Cemetery opposite to this spot. The care taker of the Cemetery, a Muslim fakir by name Zulfikar Ali saw this, and he rushed to help Swamiji. He brought with him a cucumber, the only eatable thing available with him and offered it to Swamiji. Swamiji said, “Please feed it in to my mouth. I am so tired.” The fakir hesitated.” Swami, but I am a Muslim.” Swamiji smiled and said, “How does it matter? Are not all of us brothers?” The fakir obliged and swamiji felt refreshed after partaking of the cucumber. “The man really saved my life”, he later said. When he returned from America with all glory as the famous Swami Vivekananda, he was taken in procession along the streets of Almora. The fakir was in the watching crowd. He did not recognize Swamiji, but the latter spotted him, recollected the event, and exchanged pleasantries with him. He was introduced to the accompanying people.

In Alwar in Rajasthan, Swami became friends with a Moulvi who was a teacher of Persian and Arabic in a High School. He used to discuss matters relating to spirituality and religion with him for hours on end. about Kuran, Swamiji said,”there is one thing very remarkable about the Kuran.Even to this day, it exists as it was found eleven hundred years ago.It retains its pristine purity and is free from interpolations.” The moulvi sahib became most devoted to the Swamiji and had a great desire to invite Swamiji to his house and feed him. He offered that he would cook the food with Brahmin cooks in their own vessels, and serve it by Brahmins only. He will be satisfied with watching him partake of food at his house from a distance. Swamiji brushed aside all the suggestions and readily agree to take dinner at his house. He ate to his heart’s content, and the Moulvi was overjoyed. This incident earned for Swamiji many more dinners at Muslim houses!

While in Mount Abu, Swamiji was staying in the bungalow of a Muslim Vakil and was enjoying his hospitality. Munshi Jaganmohan, private Secretary to the Maharaja of Kethri, visited Swamiji, and was perplexed to see the Hindu sannyasi cozily settled in a Muslim House. He point blank shot the question,” Well, Swamiji, you are a Hindu monk. How is it that you are living with a Muslim? Your food may now and then be touched by a Muslim!” at this Swamiji flared up, and said,” Sir, What do you mean? I am a sannyasi. I am above all your social conventions. I will even dine with a Bhangi. I am not afraid of God; for he sanctions it. I am not afraid of Shastras; for they allow it. But I am afraid of you people and your society. You know nothing about God and scriptures. I see Brahman everywhere, manifested even in the meanest creature. For me there is nothing like High and low.Shiva, Shiva!’

Jag Mohan for a moment was gazing in silence. He could appreciate the spirit of this Hindu monk with a difference. It is he who brought about the meeting of the Swamiji with Kethri Maharaja which later developed in to a historic relationship.

*Apologies to R.K.Narayan for adopting his title.